A lovely afternoon. A lovely lunch. With a lovely lady. I had been wanting to invite my next door neighbor over for lunch since a few months now. Finally, it happened last week. This lovely lady is actually an octagenarian but behaves nothing like how a typical 80+ yr old would! She is bubbly, energetic, […]
Gluten Free Recipes
Asian Style Chicken Bites (Gluten Free, Paleo, AIP)
Indo Chinese cuisine is pretty popular in India with the craze first starting sometime in the early 90s I believe. I was in college those days and we would sneak out from college to have lunch at one of these make shift stalls outside our campus to have delicious lip smacking ‘chicken manchurian’ soup and […]
Cassava ‘Rice’ using fresh cassava || Kappa Puttu using grated kappa || (Vegan, Gluten free, Paleo, AIP)
If you have been following my blog, you might wonder why I am posting this kappa Puttu recipe again? Well guess what? This is a different way of making kappa puttu. I guess this is the traditional way of making it. What I had posted earlier was an easy or short cut version. Actually speaking […]
Coconut Calamari (Paleo)
OK so ever since I made those beef cutlets with a coconut crust, I have been thinking of using that technique to make other crispy coatings! I got my chance to try it again when hubby picked up squid last weekend while picking up seafood. I usually cook squid(calamari) Kerala Style which is to sauté it […]
Easy ‘No Bake’ Breakfast Bars (GLUTEN FREE, Refined Sugar free, Vegan)
Healthy snacks are a big thing for me. I am constantly trying to make snacks that are nutritious and wholesome and that will satisfy two growing kids. One of whom is a teenager! The hunger pangs start as soon as they get home from school although I make it a point to pack a healthy […]
Beef Cutlets with a crispy coconut crust (Paleo)
Beef Cutlets are a specialty of Kerala’s Christian community. Growing up in Mumbai, we had ‘Mallu (short for malayalee which in turn means someone who belongs to Kerala 🙂 ) Christian’ neighbors. Kunjimol aunty always hosted great parties – be it Christmas or Easter or her kids’ birthday parties! One of the appetizer dishes was […]
Sweet Fried Plantains (Paleo, Vegan, AIP)
Some will say plantains, bananas …what’s the difference? Well, both of them belong to the Banana family however there are some differences. Plantains are starchier, contain less sugar than bananas and are much more versatile as a cooking ingredient – you can make both savory and sweet dishes with them. Both Green plantains as well as ripe yellow plantains are used […]
Cassava ‘rice’ (Kappa Puttu) using boiled cassava
One of the reasons I find the Paleo diet not only ‘doable’ but in fact, enjoyable is due to the fact that it allows me to go back to my Keralan roots! And yes pun intended there. You see root vegetables are the only starches allowed in Paleo and in AIP (autoimmune protocol). These root vegetables include […]
Chicken and Pineapple Stuffed Swiss Chard Wraps
Did I read ‘A healthy recipe challenge’? Wow, now that’s the kind of thing that gets my attention! And a challenge hosted by dear Angie of Fiesta Friday? Now that is one that I cannot ignore, can I? Especially considering the fact that for the last 18 months I have been scouring for knowledge combing through […]
How to toast pumpkin seeds
What do you do with all those pumpkins you had around your house for decoration? I am sure most of you do use (I do hope you do because seriously otherwise there would be so much wastage of food !) up the pumpkin flesh. Very simple to cut the pumpkin into 2-4 big pieces and […]
Roasted Butternut Squash Soup (with Cranberries)
Winter is here after all. Sigh. The last few weeks I have been visiting all our local farms to try and stock up on all the fresh apples of this season. Along with apples, there have been a good bounty of pumpkins and squash as well. This past weekend when I scouted the farms again to […]
Quinoa Masala Dosa (Rice and quinoa crepes with potato filling)
These dosas came out fabulous as good as the traditional ones with rice and urad dal. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. From Wells to Velcro and from tyres to test tube babies! Humans are a determined species indeed. And when someone who loves the typical south indian dosa made with rice and urad […]