
American, Autoimmune Protocol(AIP), Desserts, Gluten Free Recipes, Healthy Desserts, Paleo, Sugar free, Vegan, Whole30

‘No Bake’ Blueberry Mini Pies (Paleo,AIP)

A lovely afternoon.  A lovely lunch. With a lovely lady. I had been wanting to invite my next door neighbor over for lunch since a few months now. Finally, it happened last week. This lovely lady is actually an octagenarian but behaves nothing like how a typical 80+ yr old would! She is bubbly, energetic, […]

Anytime Snacks, Autoimmune Protocol(AIP), Breakfast, Dairy Free, Desserts, Healthy Desserts, Paleo, Quick and Healthy, Smoothies/Juice blends, Sugar free

Mixed Berry ‘nice cream’ smoothie (Vegan, Paleo)

I love Instagram! Don’t know why I stayed away from it for so long! I am loving meeting different food bloggers and seeing their inspiring creations!  Am I inspired? Nope, I am floored! Gosh, so much talent out there and so many young kiddos creating such cool stuff. One of my favorite things in the morning […]

American, Anytime Snacks, Breakfast, Dairy Free, Desserts, Gluten Free Recipes, Quick and Healthy, Sugar free, Vegan

Easy ‘No Bake’ Breakfast Bars (GLUTEN FREE, Refined Sugar free, Vegan)

Healthy snacks are a big thing for me. I am constantly trying to make snacks that are nutritious and wholesome and that will satisfy two growing kids. One of whom is a teenager!  The hunger pangs start as soon as they get home from school although I make it a point to pack a healthy […]

Autoimmune Protocol(AIP), Dairy Free, Desserts, Healthy Desserts, Paleo, Sugar free

A Valentine’s Special dessert: Berry Panna Cotta ( Paleo)

Sometimes I wonder if there is too much hype surrounding Valentine’s Day. Don’t get me wrong…I am very much a romantic at heart!  However I dislike how commercialization of Valentine’s Day by the marketeers has somehow made people hung up with the date of Feb 14th.  Couples feel that they need to do special things only on this […]

Anytime Snacks, Dairy Free, Desserts, Diwali Sweets, Healthy Desserts, Sugar free, Vegan

Happy Diwali!: Chocolate Nut Burfi (Vegan, Sugar free)

With Diwali just being around the corner….it falls on Oct 30th this year,  it is going to coincide with Halloween and we know what that means, right? Yes, just sugar overload! The traditional Diwali sweets mostly all require dairy and tons of sugar.  Oh boy! This past year has been one where I have spent […]