Chocolate Cashew Nut Bliss Balls / Energy Bars (Paleo, Whole30, Vegan, Raw)

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   With everyone being in holiday baking mood, distractions are everywhere. Folks like me who have successfully managed to stay on track for the entire past year on a strict paleo, modified AIP diet, however, still struggle when it comes to the holidays. Yeah for me personally, its not the ‘eating’ part that I miss as much as the ‘baking’ process itself. beautiful desserts are really too tempting! I want to make them too! And I have made my share of these tempting desserts in the past too! Now I am determined to make ‘healthier’ versions of all the holiday desserts/ goodies and hope that they look and taste as good too!  I have shortlisted some recipe ideas that I will be experimenting and testing the next few days.  Today I tried the first of those and happy to report that it turned out to be a very successful and fulfilling experiment!

So there was this post that I saw on pinterest which was some kind of decadent chocolate balls which had a lot of healthful ingredients.  So I pinned it for later. (Actually thought that I had pinned it but didn’t actually pin it). So when I sat down last night to pull out the post, I couldn’t find that recipe on any of my boards. Then I began searching for chocolate balls and all kinds of drool worthy pics showed up. But none of them was the one I had seen before. As I continued looking through scores of different recipes – a lot of them were vegan or raw, however several had almonds or almond butter or coconut butter etc.  Since cashew nuts are the only nuts that I have been able to re-introduce successfully, I would need to modify all the recipes.  And since the one that I had seen earlier also had almonds, I decided to finally abandon my search and just create my own recipe, which I knew wouldn’t be hard since I have made similarly textured ‘raw’ treats before like  apricot coconut balls,    date almond truffles.

So some dates, cashew nuts, coconut flour, cocoa or carob powder are all you need for making these delectable treats.  The addition of vanilla extract makes them so, so fabulously delicious!  You gotta give yourself this treat! This is what I call a nourishing treat – for both the body and the soul!  Yum!  I have decided to call them ‘Chocolate bliss balls’ 🙂

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