Paleo Zucchini bread nut free

Paleo Zucchini Bread (Nut free)

The vegetable garden has been thriving! Well, not that I planted a lot this year – just a couple cucumber and zucchini since we were so so busy this spring. And then as soon as school vacation started we left for India. So with me gone away for almost a month, I did not want to plant a lot.  The Mr. got back home earlier and was tending to (read ‘watering’) them until I got back. So basically the plants got very little care this year but guess what? They are doing amazingly well! The veggies started coming even before I got back home and now for the whole past month, every week we are getting a couple cukes and a couple of ’em zucchinis 🙂 Wow, incredible isn’t it? I guess the weather has been perfect for growing veggies!

Cucumbers go by pretty fast as I put them in my salads as well as serve them with rock salt at dinner. My son loves zucchini and so I have been cooking  a lot of zucchini lately – adding it to the their pasta, adding it to soups and making zucchini aloo sabzi to eat with rotis!  But even with all that my zucchini stash seemed to be growing every week. I was thinking of giving away a couple to my neighbor when suddenly I thought why not grate them and freeze them so I can use them next month too. And then a voice in my head said ‘zucchini bread’! Now, why didn’t I think of it sooner!

So I thought of making a grain free version of this bread that I used to make before. I did not have any almond flour at hand and so I used cassava and coconut flours.  The bread came out great and fabulously moist! The bread was a little less sweet than traditional ones so I will mention a range for sweetener in my recipe below so you can add a bit more. But other than that it looked perfect.  The family has been eating it for breakfast! I used coconut sugar for sweetener but you could also use maple syrup or honey although I don’t like to use honey much in baking for two reasons -1. it ends up giving a bitter taste and 2. you lose the beneficial effects (probiotic ) of it.Paleo Zucchini bread nut free

I did not taste the bread because of the eggs.  One of these days I need to start reintroducing eggs but for some strange reason, I am very nervous about that. OK that’s another story. Here’s the recipe for now and let me know how you like it in the comments below!

Paleo Zucchini Bread Nut Free

Paleo Zucchini Bread (Nut free)
Recipe type: Snack, Breakfast
Cuisine: Healthy
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 10-12
A healthy and delicious version of zucchini bread that is grain free and nut free!
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup grated zucchini
  • ¼ cup grassfed melted butter or coconut oil (use coconut oil for paleo)
  • ½ cup grassfed milk or coconut milk (use coconut milk for paleo)
  • 1 cup cassava flour
  • ½ cup coconut flour
  • ½ cup coconut sugar(use ¾ cup if you want sweeter)
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  1. Pre heat oven to 350 deg F. Grease a loaf pan with coconut oil or butter. Place a parchment strip at the bottom of the pan. Keep aside.
  2. Take a large mixing bowl and beat the eggs using an electric hand mixer. Then add the grated zucchini, the butter (or coconut oil) and the milk. Mix till blended.
  3. In a large tray or a plate, mix the flours, coconut sugar , baking soda and salt.
  4. Add this dry flour mix to the bowl with the egg mixture. Mix till well blended (mixture will be thick). Then add the vanilla and the cinnamon powder. Mix well for 1 minute using electric mixer.
  5. Pour this batter (will be thick) on to the prepared loaf pan and bake for around 45-50 mins until a knife or toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

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