Home made Rice Noodles (Idiappam) with chicken curry

How to make idiappamIdiappam is one of the many breakfast dishes of Kerala.  Rice noodles made from scratch and steam cooked in small rounds/mounds to resemble idlis. For breakfast they are often paired with egg curry.  Another way to eat these for breakfast is by dipping in slightly sweetened coconut milk. Yum! That is still my favorite way of eating these noodles. And now my son also loves it that way. My daughter loves them just as is with some sugar sprinkled on the top and when she was little she used to call them as ‘noodle idlis’ and the name stuck! Now we all refer to idiappam as ‘noodle idlis’ 🙂

Kerala NoolappamThese noodles are a great option for folks who are on a gluten-free diet . The last time we made it we paired it with yummy chicken curry. You need a ‘sev’ noodle press like I show below in the pictures to make these as well as an idli stand if you want to make them into small round shapes. You could also just steam them in a steamer basket by just forming the noodles like regular noodles.

Steamed Rice Noodles

Sharing this home made rice noodles and lip smacking chicken curry  at Fiesta Friday and Throwback Thursday this week.  Judi @ cookingwithauntjuju and Cynthia @ eatmunchlove are the co-hosts at Fiesta Friday this week.

Idiappam and chicken curry

The dough should be of this consistency

Here’s a pic of the sev press with its different discs for making sev, idiappam or murukkus sev press




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  1. Wow Indu – noodles for breakfast would be a first for me but I love the idea. Your curry sounds fantastic too – I can just imagine how good it is. I am finally getting a nice collection of “Indian spices”. Thanks so much for sharing with Fiesta Friday.

    • yes this is traditional breakfast in kerala but even I cannot eat it for breakfast now. We usually have this for a weekend brunch or may be dinner.

  2. I love how these are gluten free noodles!!! I’m gluten intolerant and these are definitely noodles I can have although I don’t have the tool to make them, I can appreciate the recipe 🙂 I can also make the curry because I’ve recently tried Indian food and have been trying to try to make it myself! It seems intimidating because of all the spices but you make it sound so easy! THanks for sharing this at FF

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