Until recently I used to always use chicken kheema(minced chicken) to only make shaami kabobs. Now this kheema curry is frequently on our menu for weekends. I came across ‘Hyderabadi Kheema curry’ on youtube while browsing hyderabadi recipes. That recipe used mutton mince which is what is used traditionally. However, since I don’t eat red meat now, […]
Autoimmune Protocol(AIP)
Yam and Coconut Soup (Elephant foot yam curry)
Elephant foot yam? Now what is that? My kids were stumped. What a weird name! But if you see this yam, which is like a super large yam or potato, it does indeed resemble an elephant’s foot! In Indian cuisine this yam is used in almost every region although it is called by different names […]
Home Made Chocolate Fudge sauce / 10 minute fudge sauce [Paleo, AIP]
Love this ‘end of the year’ holiday season! Have days off from work, kids are off from school …and so the normal routine is out the window! Our close friends are visiting us and so both the kids and the adults are having a super time. For the past week our daily schedule has been […]
Chicken Seekh Kebabs (Paleo, AIP, Keto)
I love Middle Eastern food and think their kabobs are the best! When I was pregnant with my son, I had developed an aversion to chicken and even the smell of it made me want to throw up. Hence cooking chicken at home was a definite No No. Then one day we came across this […]
Shrimp and green mango curry || Chemmeen and manga curry|| Kerala Shrimp curry (Paleo)
Green(Raw) Mangoes are a delight! As kids I remember me and my sisters begging my mom to save us a few pieces while she was slicing the green mangoes to use in fish/shrimp curry or to make a green mango chutney. We would relish the tart mango slices dusted with salt on top!. Thinking about […]