Valentine’s Day Special: Beet Idlis

Beet root Idlis (Rice and Lentil Bread)The family has a new name for me – ‘sneaky mom’ 🙂 Can’t blame them …I have been really on a roll lately adding spinach and carrot to idlis, then adding beets to the vegan chocolate cake I baked last weekend. So anyways I am happy with the title and the family is not really complaining. In fact they are actually surprised that despite the sneaked in veggies , the dishes are still coming out so tasty.

So encouraged by that response I made beet idlis adding beet puree to the idli batter. As I placed them in the idli moulds, looking at the gorgeous pink color an idea struck me. V-day being just around the corner, why not make heart-shaped ones out of these cute little pink babies! So I used a cookie cutter to cut out a few heart shaped ones from the steamed idlis. It was a great idea – my daughter loved them! And the idlis tasted great. Served it with the usual accompaniments of sambhar and coconut chutney.

Bringing these gorgeous looking idlis to Throwback Thursdays this week. And to Fiesta Friday where Steffi @ Ginger & Bread and Andrea @ Cooking With a Wallflower are co-hosts this week.


Beet root Idlis (Rice and Lentil Bread)

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  1. Loving it! Sneaky Mum – you most certainly deserve that name 🙂
    Thanks you for bringing it along to FF, I’ve had a good chuckle!
    Ginger x

  2. this is soooo spooky. I made those this morning in order to try this red colour out on my husband; he liked them but is a purist, so most of the time he would like the white ones. Then, when I went into my Study and checked my mail I found your blog with……yes, red Valentine hearts Idlis!!!!!

    • wow! yeah that sure is spooky! Gr8 minds think alike after all 🙂 Did yours come out this color too? I was so excited to see this gorgeous pink and so was my daughter! Cutting them into heart shapes made them even more cuter 🙂 thanks for letting me know.!

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