Curried Rice Noodles (Chicken and vegetable curry noodles)

Curried Rice NoodlesThis dish is a fine example of a ‘spur of the moment’ dish – A lazy sunday morning where breakfast happens late and then more laziness till about 1 PM. What do people want to eat for lunch? No response. Two heads poring over the iPad doing God knows what. Then when hunger pangs do come, mom has to rustle up something quick since people are really going to ‘die of hunger’ ! sigh! Normally I would just make a pasta – maybe add some shrimp like the shrimp linguini I posted a while ago. Or a pasta with vegetables. But now I am on a gluten free diet. Also dairy free. Also tomato free. Yup. So the pasta option goes out the window since I am certainly not in the mood to cook two different dishes. Hence rice noodles to the rescue!

Chicken and Vegetable Curry Rice noodlesI quickly got the chicken out from the freezer and defrosted a couple thigh pieces. I was not in the mood for adding soy and chill sauces as I usually do. Or make the sweet and spicy noodles like I made a few weeks ago. Maybe because I was in the mood for eating chicken curry at night. Yes did I tell you my husband makes a mean chicken curry? So anyways, that’s the direction I was going. I quickly marinated the chicken pieces in some curry spices and then made this delicious curry noodles also adding some vegetables into the mix to get a complete meal together in about 40 minutes!

Btw, rice noodles come in a variety of different types and brands. I love ‘Mai Fun’ noodles which are really thin rice noodles like vermicelli and I get them from Whole Foods.

Linking this post to Throwback Thursday this week.

Also linking to Fiesta Friday where the co-hosts this week are Lindy @ Love in the Kitchen and Liz @ spades, spatulas & spoons

Rice noodles with curried chicken



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    • yes Patty they sure turned out so good. you can never go wrong with rice noodles and chicken curry so the combo is just dynamite 🙂

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