Dates, Almond and Coconut rolls (Easy 3 ingredient Date rolls)

These 3 ingredient easy rolls are so yummy!

A few weeks ago while shopping at our local supermarket, I noticed these date nut rolls displayed in cute little packages in the middle of the produce aisle.  ‘Neat’ I said to myself and also made a mental note that I had to try making them. Of course I did not buy them ?

So last weekend I got the chance to try making them.  I have been anemic (result of my medications) and so I was trying to eat more natural foods with high iron content. Dates are one such food – high in iron content(a 3.5 oz serving provides 8% of the daily values) and are also high in several important minerals including potassium, manganese, magnesium and copper. They also provide significant amounts of calcium,  vitamin K and B vitamins, including vitamin B-6 and folate.

So these rolls that I made have just 3 ingredients and can be made in about 15 minutes.  The only problem is that they will be gone as fast too! I made these and showed them to my son who was doing his homework at the kitchen table- he at first looked at them skeptically …mom’s healthy rolls …not sure. But I left the plate next to him and when I came back a few minutes later there were only 4 rolls left on the plate. He looked at me sheepishly – “mom, these are so good. I had like 5! ”

Dates, Almond and Coconut rolls (Easy 3 ingredient Date rolls)
Recipe type: Healthy Snack
Cuisine: Raw, Vegan, paleo
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 3-4
Amazingly moist and delicious date and almonds mixed with shredded coconut
  • Dates ¾ cup about 14-15
  • ½ cup whole almonds
  • ¼ cup warm water
  • ¼ cup desiccated / shredded coconut
  • extra shredded coconut for rolling
  1. Soak the dates in the warm water for about 5 minutes. In a food processor, powder the almonds and transfer them to a mixing bowl. Next add the dates along with the water to the food processor and grind until you get a smooth paste. Transfer this paste also to the mixing bowl. Add the coconut also to the bowl. Mix everything well using a spatula.
  2. Divide into 10 equal portions and shaped them into oblong shapes and roll in extra coconut.


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    • thanks Sandhya. yes these are indeed so yummy! When we were young we used to eat fresh coconut with jaggery and these rolls have a similar taste 🙂

      • Coconut and jaggery is my favorite.Maybe that is why I like the taste of the date rolls so much too:)

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