Chocolate Mousse Pie (Paleo, AIP)

Are you a chocolate lover? Most women do love chocolate and so if you are one of them, this recipe is one that you will thank me for! It’s the ultimate chocolate dessert! A chocolate Pie with a filling that is perfectly smooth and chocolatey! The lightly sweetened crust is a perfect complement to the sweet chocolate filling. And if this wasn’t enough, there is also an additional crumble topping which takes this dessert over the top! It’s perfect for the holidays! And drumroll…you guys, it’s Top 8 Allergen free and IT IS ABSOLUTELY ‘MIND BLOWING’ DELICIOUS!

The chocolate filling is the perfect consistency you guys! Velvetty smooth – not too dense not too jiggly …just perfect! I am so proud of this! It took a few tries to get it to the perfect texture but it was so worth it!  I always loved chocolate and couldn’t wait to reintroduce cocoa and chocolate when I was in AIP Elimination phase! There is nothing like chocolate to make your day right?

Many many moons ago, I used to love this chocolate pie that you get in the supermarket (I am sure you know what I mean!). Made with artificial whipped cream (read hydrogenated fats and vegetable oils…yuck!) and a ton of other chemicals. But this pie here …none of that crap in this recipe! All good clean ingredients and although cacao is an AIP reintroduction, it is one of the first foods that you can try to reintroduce.

If you are in AIP Elimination phase currently, no worries, carob is a great replacement for cacao! So this recipe can be made 100% AIP compliant!

I developed this delicious recipe as part of the Lovebird Cereal Make/Bake Off off to fight childhood cancer Holiday edition. I am so grateful to LoveBird for this opportunity to participate and for a chance to win a a $1,000 donation to the childhood cancer charity of my choice! I love LoveBird cereal which is totally allergen free (grain, nut and dairy free) and made from clean ingredients like cassava flour, collagen, sea salt and coconut oil.

I am a big fan of Lovebird cereal and have tried Lovebird cereal in recipes before ( grain free chicken nuggets) and in easy breakfast bars So I knew that it would make delightful crust! I have been craving for a chocolate dessert for a while now so that’s when I thought of making a chocolate pie! I had to do a couple trys before I ended up with this recipe but it was so worth the efforts! This dreamy chocolate pie is just perfection!

Chocolate Pie (Paleo, AIP)I used unsweetened Lovebird cereal for this recipe and I highly recommend using this as it gives the crust and the topping that delicious crunch factor! So guys, here is my holiday gift to you – Chocolate Mousse Pie! Hope you can try this recipe! Please do share on instagram and tag me @cook2nourish. I would love to see your pictures!

I also made a step by step video of this recipe – you can watch it here

5.0 from 2 reviews
Chocolate Pie (Paleo, AIP)
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 8-10
For the bottom crust:
  • 12 medium size dates (soaked in hot water for 10 minutes), chopped
  • 3 tbsp melted coconut oil
  • ¼ tsp sea salt
  • 1 cup dried shredded coconut (Let's do Organic brand)
  • ¾ cup coarsely powdered Lovebird cereal, unsweetened
For the chocolate filling:
  • 2 tsp unflavored gelatin
  • 2 tbsp room temperature water
  • 2 cups coconut milk (in divided portions)
  • ¼ cup raw cacao powder or carob powder (use carob for AIP)
  • ¼ tsp sea salt
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla powder
For the crumble topping:
  • ¼ cup coarsely powdered Lovebird cereal, unsweetened
  • 2 tbsps Tiger nut flour
  • pinch sea salt
  • 1 tbsp melted coconut oil
  • ¼ tsp vanilla extract or vanilla powder (use vanilla powder for AIP)
For the chocolate drizzle:
  • 1 tbsp raw cacao (use carob for AIP)
  • 1 tsp melted coconut oil
  • pinch sea salt
  • 1 tsp runny honey
  1. Add the dates, coconut oil and salt to a food processor and process till you get a cohesive mass.
  2. Transfer this mixture to a large mixing bowl and add the shredded coconut and the cereal (coarsely powdered). Using your hands mix together well. Take a springform pan (Between 6 and 7 inches dia) and press this mixture firmly to the bottom of the pan. Depending upon the size of the pan, you will have some going to the sides of the pan too. Place this pan in a freezer for at least 30 minutes to set.
To make the filling:
  1. Mix the gelatin with the water and let it sit for 5 mins.
  2. Heat 1 cup of coconut milk along with the raw cacao (or carob),maple syrup, salt and vanilla. Heat on low heat stirring constantly until all the cacao (or carob) is dissolved in the milk.
  3. Next add the 'bloomed' gelatin to this mixture and continue stirring slowly until all the gelatin is completely dissolved. Make sure there are no lumps. Turn the heat off and add the remaining 1 cup of coconut milk and mix well. Let the mixture cool for 5 mins before adding to the crust.
  4. Take the pan with the crust from the freezer and pour the filling mixture into the pan. Carefully place the pan in the refrigerator (not freezer) for at least 4 hours to set.
For the crumble Topping:
  1. Take a small bowl and mix all the topping ingredients together. Use your hands to form a crumbly topping. Keep aside until serving.
Serving the Pie:
  1. Take the pie from the refrigerator and run a knife around the edges of the pan to loosen up the pie. Carefully push the base of the springform upwards to get the pie out. Place on a serving dish and sprinkle the crumble topping on top!
  2. For the chocolate drizzle:
  3. Mix all ingredients together in a cup and drizzle over the topping and the pie.
If you don't have access to Lovebird cereal, you can omit it from the crust and the topping.

Other Chocolate recipes you will love:

Chocolate Burfi (Paleo, AIP, Vegan)

AIP Fudgy ‘Chocolate’ Cake (Instant Pot or Microwave)

Fudgy Chocolate Brownies (Paleo, AIP, Vegan)


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  1. Thank you so much for posting this recipe! I made it last weekend and it turned out great! The crust tastes fantastic. This is the first AIP dessert that I have tried that actually tasted good, so I appreciate it! Speaking of Lovebird cereal, I am curious if you can come up with a good way to make AIP Muddy Buddies (Puppy Chow). It is one of my favorites that I miss on the AIP diet. I have tried a couple different recipes but they left much to be desired. What are your thoughts? Many thanks!

    • I am so glad you liked the recipe! hmm..I have never had Muddy Buddies so I will have to do some research! Thanks for your request! I will try soon!

    • No unfortunately the blog doesn’t have that capability at this time. What kind of nutritional information are you looking for? You can enter this recipe on My Fitness Pal or some similar app to get lots of different nutritional info like macro ratios and nutrient levels.

  2. It says to use 2 cups coconut milk divided, but I only see 1 cup used in the mousse. Am I missing something? I would love to make this recipe!

  3. Looks fabulous! And I’ll worship your cookbook! Mmmm…butter chicken recipe is life changing for an AIPer! Can you use agar agar instead of gellatin? Beef doesn’t agree with mr.

    • Aww… thanks so much! Means a lot to me! Yes I think you can use agar agar. I am not sure of the concentration though i.e. whether it’s a 1 to 1 replacement. if you try it, lmk how it works out!

  4. Looks fabulous! And I’ll worship your cookbook! Mmmm…butter chicken recipe is life changing for an AIPer! Can you use agar agar instead of gellatin? Beef doesn’t agree with mr.

    • thanks for the question. I just updated recipe. The 2nd cup of coconut milk you add towards the end. thanks again for catching that!

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