eBook Review: ‘Let’s do Lunch’ – AIP Lunches made easy!

Are you doing the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet? Or are you considering doing this diet but really wondering how hard it might be to put meals together? Well, let me assure you that there are tons of resources now available to help support you. Sarah Ballantyne, founder of ‘The Paleo Mom’, has a complete repository of all AIP related information. She also presents a list of ‘recommended resources for AIP’ over at her website.  The Autoimmune wellness website run by Mickey Trescott and Angie Alt has a plethora of resources available too – From meal plans to shopping guides to Batch Cooking classes, they have you covered!. The ‘Phoenix Helix’ website by Eileen Lard is also a terrific resource with plenty of ebooks and guides on AIP to provide enough support to AIP beginners.

One of the biggest challenges when you go on an elimination diet like AIP is that you need to make sure you plan your meals in advance. And lunch times are usually the hardest especially when you are working a full time job.  When I started AIP 18 months ago now, that was indeed my toughest challenge. It was doubly harder for me because I had to cook regular meals for the rest of my family (including making lunches for my kids) while trying to cook AIP for myself. Luckily for me, shortly after starting on AIP I decided to quit my full-time job. That definitely made it easier for me to then plan my afternoon lunches for those first 6 months of strict AIP. However, considering that this may not be an option for everyone, simple and quick lunch options would most definitely be a game changer for a lot of folks first trying to be on AIP. Thus when Jo Romero of Comfort Bites recently came out with her new ebook ‘Let’s do Lunch’ packed with AIP lunches, I was keen to take a look at it!  I was so pleased to see that ‘Let’s do Lunch’ is a book filled with simple, delicious AIP Lunch recipes that is going to soon become one of the many important AIP recipe resources! And she has you covered for a whole month!  She not only gives recipes but has also created ingredient lists for you by week so you don’t have to do that work yourself! Plus, her recipes are all very simple and would not be intimidating even to the most novice cook.  However simple does not mean boring that’s for sure!  Jo’s recipes are delicious and all perfectly pass the AIP ‘nutrient dense’ meals requirements! She has thoughtfully created recipes that include a variety of nutrient dense foods in every meal.

How does ‘Herby lamb chops with mint dip and pomegranate’ sound? Vietnamese meatballs with fresh and fragrant herbs will lift up your mood and perk you up!  Some other innovative and interesting meals are sweet potato sandwiches, Salmon with broccoli rice and beef with chimichurri! All of these sound delicious right?

So what are you waiting for? Head over to Jo’s website and get this ebook today! And head over to my Instagram page to enter my giveaway for a chance to win this ebook free!

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