Baked Chocolate Pumpkin Donuts

It is Pumpkin galore! Last fall I had made ‘baked Pumpkin donuts’ that the kids had just loved (and devoured). So this year again my munchkins were demanding the same. Being a blogger mom, I needed to make it even better for them right? And so what did I do? I added chocolate to the batter and TA da!… we had these delicious chocolate pumpkin donuts – the kind that instantly becomes everyone’s favorite!

I actually made a large batch – some pumpkin ones with a sugar glaze, some I just covered with cinnamon sugar and then these decadent chocolate pumpkin ones! I was making a big batch to assuage my guilt feelings since I was leaving my munchkins with my friend and neighbor for two days. I had to travel from work last week and so did my husband. Can you believe that? Two days out of 365 days that I need to travel, my hubby also needs to! For a couple days after we both got our travel schedule, we were wondering what to do. Luckily for us, our dear friend /neighbor came to the rescue. She kindly offered to watch the kids. Such a sweet action deserved more sweetness and that’s when I decided to bake this ‘pumpkin sweetness’ signature donut collection! 🙂 Dropped the donuts and my munchkins over before heading to the airport and wished S (my friend) and her husband all the very best handling 4 kids! God bless their hearts. The kids had a party and were slightly disappointed I think when I returned 🙂 But the donuts were indeed enjoyed by all!

This time I modified the recipe slightly by baking the donuts at a higher temperature than I had done before. This way the donuts baked pretty fast.

Bringing these yummy donuts to Fiesta Friday this week!

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    • yes I bought a donut pan earlier this year and ever since that I have been regularly baking donuts for my kids. Much more healthier than store bought fried ones plus you can control the amount of sugar and also add healthy ingredients like pumpkin:)

  1. This might sound crazy, but I’ve never mixed chocolate and pumpkin. It sounds delicious though because I love both flavors around this time of year, and the pumpkin would make for a moist donut. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe with us at the fiesta this week. I’m sure it’ll be a hit. 🙂

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