Chicken Curry for the Soul

Chicken Curry for the soul
What makes a good curry? Well …let’s see… a little bit of this and a little bit of that, a lot of tender loving a.k.a slow simmering, an unique combination of spices that is the right marriage of flavors and a final product that is both attractive to the eyes as well as intoxicating to the palate… don’t you agree, that is what a good curry should be and one that you cannot ever have enough of! I know I sound slightly cheesy but seriously folks, a good curry is indeed a labor of love – not in as much work involved as much as the dedication piece…it really merits your undivided attention.

Well enough of all that. My point – Good curry recipes are hard to find! Because people who make them don’t necessarily sit down and write the recipe down. I am therefore always looking for original recipes from aunts, cousins etc. Chicken curry is one where I cannot collect enough recipes. Everytime I have a good chicken curry I always have to ask for the recipe. Always looking to find that one ingredient / spice that seemed to have given the curry its distinctive flavor.  And one person I have always been asking to write down the recipe for me is my own dear husband. Gosh he makes a mean chicken curry. But he never lets me near him when he is cooking it. Its like a religious ritual for him – cleans the kitchen thoroughly first, does all the prep work chopping things and placing them in different bowls etc. and then begins his cooking. This is so unlike my quick and jumpy actions in the kitchen. Anyways, will one day get my husband’s recipe down!. But today I am sharing a recipe that I made recently which came out so ‘damn drool worthy good’ and fortunately I was noting the recipe as I made it.

DSC_0879I think the main additions / variations from my usual curry were the addition of sri lankan curry powder, fresh mint leaves and kasoori methi leaves and the use of vinegar in marination. Lucky you to get this recipe so easily 🙂 This is one heck of a curry that definitely will deliver the comfort and peace that you crave for. Chicken Curry for the soul.

Bringing this to Throwback thursdays and Fiesta Friday this week. Steffi @ Ginger & Bread and Andrea @ Cooking With a Wallflower are co-hosting FF this week.


DSC_0881Chicken Curry for the soul


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    • Hi Dinie, I am not a strict vegan. Because of my disease – I have RA …I am avoiding dairy completely and eating very little chicken. But I do eat fish.

        • oh no! I wouldn’t wish this for anyone. It is a wretched disease. I am hopeful that this diet and yoga will help. I will keep you posted since I just started it. Is your mom taking medications?

          • Yes.. Unfortunately, she has fibromyalgia too as well as discs in her spine which have been lodged out of shape.. She is in a lot of pain. That condition is called Spinal Stenosis.. And can cause paralysis!

          • I am so sorry to hear that. Has she tried yoga? If not she should find a good instructor and take private lessons. I am sure that can give her some relief.

  1. I have been looking for a good chicken curry recipe, to mimic a curry I had at a restaurant, and here it is! I find the vinegar very interesting. am going to have to see how close I can come to this…it looks so amazing! Thanks for bringing this by Throwback Thursday!


    • Hi Mollie, I hope you do get to make this! I added the vinegar since I am avoiding tomatoes…they seem to aggravate my arthritis. And its just a tinge that helps to both tenderize the chicken and give a slightly tangy flavor.

  2. It looks delicious – I love a good curry and this one looks perfect! Thank you for taking notes and bringing the recipe along to Fiesta Friday!
    Ginger x

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