Baked Spicy Potato Fries 3 ways! : Spicy Masala, Chipotle Chili and Harissa Fries

IMG_5184Would you like some fries to go with your order sir? Sure, absolutely!  OK which one would you like – ‘Spicy Indian ‘, ‘Chipotle Chilli’, ‘Harissa’, or just plain? oh…how about all of them in a big platter! And I will skip the main course! Ha Ha.

I don’t know about you guys but that’s what I would do if presented with such options.  Oh wait did I mention that these ‘Fries’ are not actually ‘fried’ but they are ‘baked’!  Yes baked to perfect crispiness which sometimes even frying cannot deliver.! Now that’s just fantastic isn’t it? You still do need to watch the calories however baked ‘fries’ will always be a healthier option as compared to fried.  Wait now do we still call these ‘fries’ ? That does not sound right? What should we call them – Bries, maybe? LOL! Oh I don’t care what we call them …they are just absolutely wonderful and hard to stop eating! 🙂

I am also bringing this last minute entry to Fiesta Friday this week after all this is a perfect party pleaser 🙂

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  1. I love french fries, and then you made them even better with all these sauces. They look so good! I would like to try each one of them. Great post, Indu!

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