Tried and Tested Ciabatta Bread (Home made ‘no knead’ bread)

DSC_0413No need to knead? Are you sure? A stand mixer must be needed then? Nope. All you need is a large mixing bowl and a little bit of advance planning.:)

How many times have you noted a recipe down and tried it ardently following the recipe to the last detail only to be disappointed with the results? Well it has happened to me more than once.  Hence when I started this blog one of the many things I wanted to do was to only post recipes that I had tried and tested successfully at least a minimum of 3 times in my kitchen.

Ciabatta bread I just love love love. I could probably live an entire week just on this bread alone! Maybe some butter to go with it. But seriously ciabatta is s bread I just love – just plain, with soups or in sandwiches. So in the past one year I have tried several different recipes from the internet.  But was not quite happy with the results until recently when all my experiments resulted in me finally being able to make the best ciabatta ever! The key is to have a sticky dough. Considering that there may be variations in the quality of the flour with different brands of All purpose flour, it is important to add just enough water such that you get a sticky kind of dough. Hmm perfectly crusty on the outside and spongy on the inside! This bread is very similar to the khadak paav bread that is so famous in Mumbai.! My family was thrilled and now as I have baked this bread many times successfully –  finally I feel I can post the recipe here 🙂

DSC_0417You need to plan 24 hours ahead – that’s the pnly setback. Which is not really a setback but just creates the need for advance planning.  So if you would like to bake this bread for dinner then you need to start the previous evening. And we are not talking about a lot of work at all. All you need to do is to mix the flour,yeast,salt and water using a spatula or your hands (it cannot get any easier right? ) and just let the dough rest and do its thing for the next 18 to 24 hours.  Then 2 hours before your dinner the next day, you take the dough out punch it and give it the shape you want and let it rise again.  Then bake it! And devour it! Believe me this recipe will become a regular feature in your home!


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  1. This sounds very optimistic! Of late, I am into bread making…like every week…and I have cursed that darn machine countless times! Breads do behave differently with the change of ingredients and the temperature inside the home…yeast, you see! So, when you vouch by this bread, I have to try it!

    • Hi Sridevi Yes you are right – the room temperature is important – cold weather makes it challenging but if you have the room temperature in the 70s range it should be alright. Yes I do vouch by this recipe so do try and let me know how you make out! 🙂

    • Aruna yes it is indeed not that hard. Key is to get the dough of the right consistency! 🙂 Btw thanks for being always one of the first few commenters on my posts 🙂 The time difference works well in our case! 🙂

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