The Ultimate Chicken Burger (Spicy Chicken Burger)




My husband makes the meanest Chicken burger ever! 🙂 No I really mean it! Men are really great at grilling, aren’t they? Actually my husband happens to think that we (women) like to designate them as such so that we can avoid all the hard work involved there:) And by hard work he means cleaning the grill, standing outdoors in the heat and such.! Now that could very well be true but no way we will admit that correct? LOL! Anyways, so this Chicken burger that hubby has been making for the last several years is something that he has perfected over the years! So last week when we had a grill party, I stood next to him and took copious notes. And of course the step wise pictures and of course I had questions like what’s the temperature of the grill, how long to cook etc etc. Which annoyed him no end! Well it’s for my blog dear…don’t you want to share the recipe with all those other husbands out there who would love to impress their wives? This got me an even more terse look.

Seriously, this burger is so soft and juicy and we additionally slather the burger with either chipotle ranch dressing  or a sriracha mayo on top! The potato in the cutlet also makes it really rich and filling. Tastes just over the top and never fails to impress! Best thing to make when you have a house full of guests.  You can grill the patties on an outdoor grill or you could also just cook them on a shallow frying pan indoors(hubby prefers the latter except when we have a huge crowd)

I am also bringing these ultimate burgers to Fiesta Friday where the fun never ends and there is so much food! I had a fabulous time last week as a co-host but I am taking it easy this week and will be showing up late for the party! 🙂

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  1. I love it when my husband grills because I am terrible at it! He doesn’t even have to try and everything he grills comes out perfect. The spices in your chicken burgers look so yummy! I also love the sound of the chipotle mayo – love chipotle anything! Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  2. Isn’t it wonderful when husbands make some great burgers? Nikhil does too! Love the flavors and the char on your burgers, Indu! Hope you made enough for all of us! 🙂

  3. I’m generally not a fan of chicken burgers, they’re not as juicy as beef burgers. But this recipe had my mouth watering, I think this might be the one that converts me to a chicken burger lover!

  4. Sriracha mayo – now that is something I need to try. I am not a fan of mayo but that version sounds intriguing. Your husband’s burgers look great!

  5. Delicious looking juicy burger Indu. Despite the annoyed and terse looks you managed to get those awesome burgers to the party ☺

  6. Wow, Indu! Hats off to your hubby! His chicken burgers look divine! We make turkey burgers all the time and my husband is the master griller (I think it’s in the genes 😉 ), while I prepare the patties. However, the next time we want burgers, we will try your recipe. Thanks so much for bringing them to FF. Can’t wait to try one 😀

  7. i am glad my kid has not seen this post 😉 she’ll be after me to make it right away 😀 and i am just imagining that spice on my taste buds 🙂

  8. These do look very good Indu! Your husband did a great job. I don’t grill myself, I just wait for my hubby to do it. Not because I don’t want to, but because I usually don’t grill meats and such. Hope you’re well!

  9. I think I will prepare these burgers myself, and then just allow the grill master in this house to stand over the bbq and make sure they come out as juicy and tasty as yours, Indu. That would be good enough for me. Thanks for sharing it us and our grill partners.

  10. Hahah… terse look from hubby! Good job extracting the recipe from him, Indu. Much appreciated. It does sound like an ultimate burger to me. Now, how to bring this up to my hubby, that I need my grill master to cook me these burgers? 🙂

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