Fiesta Friday #24: Whole Wheat Banana and Blueberry Pancakes and Whole Wheat Banana Appams


Whole wheat banana pancakes (Appams)
Of late I have been posting many recipes with blueberries! Is it any surprise ? Come on… its blueberry season! This past weekend we went blueberry and raspberry picking. Every year I really look forward to the berry picking season. We don’t need to go too far to pick since our town is a perfect blend of the rural and the urban. Anyways, I truly cherish these fun moments with the kids who seem to be growing up in leaps and bounds and very soon probably won’t want to go berry picking with me anymore! Gosh, let’s table that conversation for now. I am just not prepared to even think about a time when my babies will be ready to leave home. Let’s stick to berry picking. We went crazy picking as always and ended up picking about 20 lbs of raspberries and blueberries in total!  Hence you will find me throwing in these berries in different recipes.:)

Banana pancakes are a staple breakfast item in my house. I typically make them using whole wheat flour and jaggery. That’s a traditional Kerala recipe and is called as ‘appam’.  In the Kerala recipe, no leavening agent is used hence the pancake is more like a crepe with crispy edges. It is very yummy though! Recently, I improvised on that recipe to create a more spongy version of pancake which is more akin to the pancakes of the western cuisine which my kids love. This time I decided to add surprises there….yes, blueberries too! 🙂 It was wonderful! Who needs a boxed pancake mix – these came out nice and fluffy without any unnecessary artificial chemicals!

This week I am bringing these healthy pancakes to Fiesta Friday #24 where I will be a co-host along with  Selma from Selma’s Table and Hilda from Along the Grapevine. Oh it’s going to be so much fun! To those of you who don’t know what Fiesta Friday is – FF is a fun event that Angie of  The Novice Gardener hosts every week where we get to make new friends and admire each other’s lovely creations. Do check it out – I promise you that you won’t be disappointed! See you there, folks! 🙂

Here are both the recipes. For the traditional Kerala appam recipe (which is also eggless) – scroll down to the end. Enjoy! 🙂






You can add both banana and blueberries together too – I just didnt take that picture! 🙂





Now for the traditional appam recipe:

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  1. Indu, I am a big fan of dosas and appams! My kids love them too. I like the banana appams. Great way to get more fruits into the kids! Will definitely try.

  2. Hello Indu – finally caught up with you! This is one busy party with so many delicious dishes that I just don’t know how I am going to short list!! I love the second recipe (the first is great too, but you know, jaggery – no contest!) as it is so unusual and sounds so divine with all that jaggery (we call it ghor) and small pieces of coconut in it. Delicious! Lovely to be hosting with you and Hilda too – now I must run and see who else is here and what they have brought….Happy Fiesta Friday!

  3. It’s lovely to be co-hosting with you. Such a good crowd and lots of delicious recipes – I am learning so much. And no I am learning about appams which must be good because they have cardamom in them. Must give them a try. Enjoy the rest of the fiesta.

  4. Heyy! What an item fit for a perfect breakfast. Luv the fact that you didn’t mash up the banana. That little bites in the pancake would be wonderful. Good one!

  5. These sound and look delicious Indu! So glad you brought them to FF! I love blueberries! 🙂 and thanks for co-hosting this week!!

  6. Thank you for introducing me to appams . . .which my computer keeps trying to spell check on me here!!!!! I have a bit of a romance with so many of the Indian names for native dishes, I don’t know why. These appams remind me of the little silver dollar sized swedish style pancakes found at Sears in San Francisco. Wonderful!

    • ha ha Sue. I know my computer was doing that too! Oh yes i think I know which little pancakes you are talking about – I have also seen that somewhere. In Kerala we also have mini appams which are called ‘unni appams’ which are made in these swedish style little pans. I think they are called aebleskiver pans. thanks so much for your comment! 🙂

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