Holiday treats: White Chocolate Cranberry Pistachio fudge


What do I like about the holidays? Everything! The lights, the decorations, the shopping, the gifts, the positive spirits and yes you guessed it right ..the treats! At this time of the year I like to take a few days off from work and spend time with the kids. I love to make and /bake treats with them and I know that when they grow older this is one thing they will always remember. So why not indulge them and ourselves a little bit! Also making these treats and gifting them to our close friends makes me so so happy!

I posted the chocolate caramel walnut fudge a couple days ago …

DSC_0442and today I am posting the white chocolate cranberry pistachio fudge.  As I was searching for fudge recipes this one caught my eye for the sheer colorfulness of it. The recipe I saw had pecans in it instead of pistachios but I thought adding ‘green’ (with pistachios) would make it perfect! Plus the salty pistachios goes perfectly with the chocolate and the cranberries.  Simply divine.! This is again one easy recipe and it came out perfectly! I could not stop admiring how beautiful these ‘white with red and green speck fudge’ squares looked!


So folks what are you doing for the holidays? Do share your interesting or favorite holiday obsessions!  I am bringing these holiday treats to Fiesta Friday this week where the partying will be even more fun because of all the holiday recipes and treats! 🙂



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  1. These look delicious, with cranberry and pistachio in there it’s hard to go wrong, plus fudge is always good. I am not generally a white chocolate fan, but I might have to make an exception or try adapting. Thanks for sharing.

    • thanks Caroline for your comments. And you are welcome! Yes I love cranberries and pistachios anyday and so this was something I just needed to make! And yes maybe you can replace white chocolate with something else – I love adapting too! 🙂

  2. Your fudge looks delicious Indu. I do not have a good white chocolate recipe. I always make dark chocolate as it is Gene’s recipe and what my family requests. But I know I would be popular if I made your version. Thanks for bringing this special holiday treat to Fiesta Friday 🙂

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