Chicken in an almond yoghurt sauce (Moghlai Chicken)


IMG_1947Imagine the goodness of almonds in your curry. Now add the most flavorful blend of spices to it.  And then imagine ‘marinated in yoghurt’, tender, juicy, falling off the bone chicken pieces in this gravy.  That my dear would be your Moghlai Chicken – A curry that originated in the Moghul era and was cooked for the ‘royalty’. Now don’t you think we deserve this ‘royal’ treatment once in a while too?

DSC_0004At least I did but alas, I didn’t have any servants to cook this for me. But I was nevertheless determined to treat myself and my family royally.  In fact I came home from work last Friday with this exact thought in mind and in less than two hours, Moghlai Chicken was on the dinner table along with fresh home made rotis.  Pure Bliss!We devoured it, cleaned the plates and the pot and licked our fingers! Need I say more? Believe me it is so delicious that it is totally worth the extra effort!

collageBtw in case you are curious where I got the recipe from? You would never guess ..ha ha – An old ‘Hawkins’ Pressure cooker recipe manual! 🙂 I had actually made this ‘Murgh Musallum’ curry some 15 years ago as a newly wed trying to impress her husband with her cooking! Blush Blush:).  It had been a very successful attempt however in the chaotic and maddening years that followed this recipe manual was lost somewhere.  I recently happened to retrieve it in one of my cleaning expeditions and had been dreaming of making that same ‘Moghlai chicken’ ever since!!!

Presenting Moghlai Chicken for you folks. I followed the Hawkins recipe mostly making slight changes here and there like reducing the spice level slightly and the oil content and increasing the quantity of almonds from the original recipe. I am also delighted to bring this recipe, that is fit for the ‘kings’, to Angie, the host of Fiesta Friday and my virtual partying blogger friends who deserve nothing less! 🙂

STEP WISE pictures:


Making marinade for chicken


Mixing chicken pieces in the marinade



Dry roasting spices and almonds


Frying onions till golden brown


Grinding fried onions and almonds and spices together to form a paste


Lightly frying the marinated chicken pieces.


Adding ground almond paste into the oil to lightly brown.


Add reserved marinade and tomato puree and seasoning and the chicken pieces.








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  1. The marinade brings me back to my days in the kitchen, I would make giant batches in the brat pans. Such an aromatic job that was. 🙂 Love this dish, filled with many memories for me. Yum! 🙂

  2. Wow, Indu! You brought us a recipe fit for royalty? You are so awesome! I have bookmarked your recipe and really plan to make this! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at FF! I just can’t wait to dig in to this rich, gorgeous, royal meal! Happy FF to you, my friend! 😀

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