4 th of July Special: Very Berry Pancakes

DSC_0569This is going to be a short post. Nothing much to blah blah about. except Happy Independence Day! Wanted to make something special for the weekend. I had made a very berry 4th of July special tart a couple years ago. berry tart(4th July Special)Wanted to do something similar but then the weekend turned out too busy – lots of shopping and some partying involved 🙂 So on a lazy morning I woke up with this idea. Of making a very berry pancake and surprising the kiddos. They of course loved it and my son wanted to slather them with whipped cream. That is his latest infatuation – yeah, whipped cream with pancakes ever since he had that on our recent cruise vacation 🙂

For the pancake batter, I replaced part of the flour with whole wheat and also added some flaxseed meal too to make it healthier 🙂

Linking to Throwback Thursday this week. Also linking to Fiesta Friday.


Very berry Pancakes





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  1. Love your 4th of July pancakes and I totally agree with your son, it has to be whipped cream! 🙂

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