Blueberry French Toast Sandwich

French toast sandwich with berriesBreakfast is the most important meal of the day. I mean it should be. I mean we need to make it an important meal. And by important I mean eating a healthy breakfast. Since mornings are usually busy for us especially on weekdays (and I suspect for most families too),  of late I am trying to incorporate fruits wherever possible. A mixed fruit smoothie is something I make most mornings now using a mix of fresh and frozen fruits. It hardly takes more than 10 minutes including clean up of the blender. Btw, I love my new smoothie blender – Ninja Master Prep it was one of the cheapest ones that I found on amazon but I am so glad I got it.  I chose it mainly because it seemed easy and light to handle. And that is a very important thing for me now because of my arthritis.

Last weekend while making french toast, I was going to make a smoothie as usual to accompany it when I suddenly thought of something. Why not add the fruits into the French toast? So I decided to make a French toast sandwich with a blueberry jelly in the middle. I rustled up a quick blueberry jelly using frozen blueberries. The kids just loved this blueberry French toast sandwich! I am guessing this one is going to be a keeper now and I am already thinking of all other variations that I can do here!

Blueberry french toast sandwich

Linking to Throwback Thursday and Fiesta Friday this week. This week  Margy @ La Petite Casserole and Linda @ La Petite Paniere are co-hosting Fiesta Friday.


IMG_1817IMG_1818IMG_1820IMG_1821Blueberry french Toast

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  1. I bet the kids do love this! And you’re right that a lot of the old glass blenders are so heavy (and have parts that get stuck and are hard to unscrew) I just got one of the ninjas and so far I’m liking it a lot! Plus it just looks really important on my counter, lol!

    Thanks for sharing with us at Throwback Thursday!


    • Mollie, the one I got has the name NinjaPrep and I don’t think to belongs to the Ninja brand because it was dirt cheap – i paid something like $30 for it! But I absolutely love it! I am sure your Ninja one is also very good!

      • Mine was a little more, but you know me, I’m a little cheap and I’m wondering if I overpaid, lol!!!! $79.00….My sister though has one of those top of the line Vitamix blenders – I’m like OMG!!!! It’s mind boggling! For that price it should drive you to the store, carry in your food and then mix it for you!

        • lol! I absolutely agree Mollie. I am like you – very cheap 🙂 Why pay a ridiculous price when you can get the same work done with a cheaper one! 🙂

    • yeah I sure am the sneaky mom. But in this case my efforts were well-appreciated by the kids! I have already made it twice in the past 7 days! 🙂

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