Apple Streusel Cake (Apple Coffee Cake)

IMG_0626It’s apple season once again! We didn’t go apple picking this year but since I have joined our local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), we get loads of fresh fruits and veggies every week. Since the past two weeks, apples have been part of my weekly CSA bounty. Apple pie is my son’s favorite and he has been asking for that. But considering my arthritis flare-up, peeling 8-10 apples and slicing them seemed kind of impossible right now. So I wondered which other way I could use the apples – a little bit at a time. And that’s when the idea of baking a coffee cake with apples struck me. I could add cinnamon and brown sugar to make it ‘apple pie’ like. So that’s how this apple streusel cake came about.

Turned out to be great! These are perfect with tea or coffee and a perfect snack for anytime of the day!. My darling son helped chop the apples and also helped mix the batter. As the cake baked in the oven, the delicious aroma of cinnamon and baked apples quite similar to that of apple pie permeated the whole house. I am so grateful to have the support of my loving family so that I can continue to bake and cook and be cheerful. 🙂

The recipe for this coffee cake I adapted from a recipe I found in an old cookbook with the title, “Cinnamon Mornings’. It has recipes for breakfast and brunches from B&B Inns across the different states in the US. This book is a treasure! The recipe used apricots and prunes so I decided to substitute apples for the dry fruits and also added pecans.

I am bringing this delicious apple cake to Angie’s for Fiesta Friday this week.









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  1. This cake looks wonderful! I love apple season, and I am always looking for ways to use apples, so I will keep this in mind for sure. You are so lucky that your son helped you bake this. 🙂 My son used to help me in the kitchen when he was younger, and I miss those days! Enjoy! 🙂

  2. I hope your arthritis calms down, but I love when dishes start off by accident and turn out to be a success. This sounds like the perfect blend of flavors. And, it’s sure to be a hit at the fiesta. Thank you so much for bringing this dish, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. 😀

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