Meat Samosas (Kheema Pastry Puffs) for a special party

DSC_0847 What’s your favorite kind of food? If asked that question, I know it’s a little hard to come up with an answer answer that is! DSC_0811OK so how if I ask you – what’s your favorite kind of appetizer? Appetizers are ‘teaser’ foods’,  irresistible…where one cannot control the urge to grab a bite! As for me,  I really enjoy something that’s warm, crispy on the outside with a spicy, savory filling inside – warm samosas, pakoras really fit that description! DSC_0845 Now you may be wondering why I am talking so much about appetizers. Well the fact is that I have been thinking this entire past week about a special appetizer that I can make and bring to a very special party. A fiesta actually spanning two weeks.!  Angie from The Novice Gardener’s who has been hosting weekly Fiesta Friday is celebrating the first anniversary of Fiesta Friday with a huge block party! How exciting isn’t it? DSC_0815So after endlessly thinking (and salivating! ) about lots of potential candidates, I finally chose to bring the humble Indian samosa to the grand event. But with a special twist – I decided to make a meat filling and make a baked puff pastry version of it.  Hubby dear also decided to make a special pomegranate salad to go with it and the salad and the samosas ended up being a perfect meal for us! Perfect pairing and incredibly satisfying! Thanks to Julianna from Foodie on Board  and Hilda from Alongthegrapevine are going to be our hosts this week. Hey let’s raise a toast to all FF goers – it has been wonderful partying with all of you! 🙂 And if you haven’t done so already please join in the fun and all the food sharing here at FF! DSC_0850   DSC_0799 IMG_2836 IMG_2837 IMG_2838 IMG_2839 IMG_2841 IMG_2847 IMG_2845 IMG_2848 DSC_0847IMG_2850

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  1. When I slept over at one of my best friends homes in elementary school, her mom would always make homemade samosas for us- I have loved them ever since. I can taste them just looking at your post. 🙂 They look SO GOOD!!

    • Hi Josette, that was so sweet of your friend’s mom! Maybe I should start doing that too when my daughter’s friends come over! I usually make tandoori chicken whenever my son’s friends come over! 🙂 yes using puff pastry is an easier way to make samosas although the deep fried one has a different texture altogether. But we loved these especially with ground beef inside them. 🙂 thanks for stopping by!

  2. Far out, I spent the past few minutes going through every single food I love and tried to pinpoint which one I love most. Nope… Cant decide. I am impressed you could actually decide on an appetiser, go you. 🙂 I know who to call to make a decision if I am ever stumped on what food to do.

    The chefs at my work make a mean samosas, will get em to try your recipe for the next cocktail party we do. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  3. Wha hooo! I am so glad that you brought your extra special samosas to celebrate this fiesta with, Indu! They truly are the perfect party food and I am so intrigued by your puff pastry version!! This is a recipe I’m sure I could manage! I love the tasty addition of the pomegranate salad as well. I am bookmarking your recipe and can’t wait to make them for my family!! Happy Fiesta Friday to you …can you believe we have been doing this for 52 weeks now?? Crazy, huh? Cheers, my friend!

    • Hey Julianna Yes I really can’t believe that we have been doing this for a whole year now! How crazy is that! I am so glad that you like my version of the samosas. Yes I liked the fact that I didn’t need to deep fry them plus so easy to use frozen puff pastry dough. Please let me know whenever you end up making them for your family. I hope you will like them! Happy FF anniversary to all of us! I feel like I have acquired so many good friends even if we have never met in person! XOXO my friend! 🙂

  4. Samosas are definitely one of my favourites too, and like you I usually bake them. I’ve never tried it with puff pastry before, but they do look so light and flaky for a special occasion. Thanks to your husband also for the colourful salad to serve along with them.

    • thanks Hilda. A very happy FF anniv to you! Yes this version with puff pastry came out great. I like it better than the regular version because it is baked and not deep fried plus I enjoy the flaky crust very much! thanks for co-hosting this week’s gala event! 🙂

  5. Samosas! My favorite! I’ve made the potatoes and peas version a couple of times and my family really liked them. Now I’ll have to try this meat version. I know my husband and son will LOVE them! Thanks for the perfect recipe, Indu! ??

    • Hey Angie, Happy Anniversary first of all! What a terrific hostess you have been this whole past year! Thanks for all your efforts – i feel like I have become part of this virtual community of great food and fun loving folks and have learnt so much from just partying with everyone! Yes do try this meat version of the samosa – using puff pastry makes it really easy too! I hope your hubby and son like them:)

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