Sticky Toffee Pudding Cake (Dairy free version)

Sticky Toffee Pudding Cake (Dairy Free version)Ok so the holidays are officially here! Next two days are for baking holiday treats. Love to do that with the kids. After all that’s what holidays are for right? Spending more time with the kids….letting go of all the stress… Being with friends…And partying! There is definitely going to be food. Too much of it. Almost every other day till the New Year’s!  Gosh! OK let’s not worry about it right now.

Party #1 was yesterday. And what fun it was. It was a potluck dinner and as usual I had the dessert slot – my favorite! One of my friends had recently talked (rather incessantly) about ‘Sticky toffee pudding’ that she ate at a gathering. I immediately got transported back about 15 years when I had baked this cake for the first time. I still remembered the moist and gooey cake made with dates topped with caramel sauce over it. I had seen it in a recipe book of classic English desserts. Oh what a cake that was. Perfect as is and absolutely over the top with a dollop of ice cream added. Had a drool moment there listening to my friend. Gosh, why hadn’t I baked it all these years? And so thanks to this friend, I didn’t need to think hard about what I would need to bring to this party! I always prefer dessert recipes that have healthy ingredients like dried fruits, nuts etc and this one with the dates seemed just too good. However I still had one problem. I needed to make a dairy free version of it so that I could bake my cake and eat it too 🙂  No problemo! Almond milk and non dairy butter to the mission.! I also needed to make a really big batch.

Pleased to report that the cake came out wonderfully moist and rich. The dates impart such deliciousness in addition to allowing you to cut down on the sugar. I also added walnuts on top to make each bite perfect and filled with delicious goodness! hmm….just heavenly!

Bringing this dairy free version of the classic english dessert to Fiesta Friday this week too!

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  1. Indu, I have never made Sticky Toffee Pudding cake before but it looks and sounds right up my alley. Gooey delicious… Thank you for bringing this recipe to the Fiesta Friday. Happy Holidays! 🙂

  2. this looks absolutely delicious! the first and only time i had sticky toffee pudding was at one of Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant, his signature dessert! Loved it. would also like to try to make my own one day, thanks for sharing this recipe!

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