Spicy Egg Roast (Kerala Mutta Roast)

Egg Roast

IMG_0947You may wonder ‘Egg roast’? …now, what in the world is that? Well if you like your eggs spicy, you will just love this! This recipe is indigenous to Kerala where it is called ‘Mutta(egg) roast’. This is a dish often paired with Vella appams (rice hoppers or pancakes) or with Idiyappam (which are steamed rice noodles). Β This is an easy recipe …well for those of you who do know how to ‘hard boil’ eggs ! LOL πŸ™‚ Β So you hard boil your eggs, saute them a little bit with some spices and then make a spicy and tangy onion masala and drop your eggs into that and serve! hmm…sounds mouthwatering, right? I love eggs because they are so versatile – you could half-fry or do a sunny side up,scramble them up or do an omelette.! Omelette reminds me of a lovely hearty omelette that Angie of the Novice Gardener recently made – do check that out!. Β And then continuing with the humble eggs’ multiple uses – you could make frittata or quiche adding a lot of veggies into those and make it really wholesome.! Β And then finally you can make this spicy egg roast!

While we are on the topic of eggs, until a few years ago, eggs had earned a bad reputation for raising cholesterol levels. But in 2000, the American Dietary Association gave the green light for healthy adults to enjoy eggs once again! 1. Of course as is the case with everything else, moderation is key everywhere. Hey! eggs are good..eggs are fun..eggs are good for everyone! πŸ™‚

I normally make this egg roast as a side dish with rice. Β But sometimes I make it as an accompaniment to Idiyappams (steamed homemade rice noodles)! You could also just have it with some nice fresh bread. I will post the recipe for Idiyappam separately shortly! For now I am bringing the Mutta roast and Idiyappam to Angie’s for the Friday Fiesta! πŸ™‚





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  1. This looks delicious, I had a friend whose dear Mom would make a delicious egg curry, reminds me of it, now I finally have some type of recipe that will bring back that taste πŸ™‚

  2. Indu, this recipe looks delicious! It also reminds me of an egg curry I had in Burma, except the eggs were served in a light tomato curry sauce…. So I’m definitely going to give this a try and compare the two egg curries! Thank you for bringing this to Fiesta Friday, enjoy the party!! πŸ™‚

  3. I showing terrible restraint at this moment because it is Shravana Maasam and egg roast is among my favourites.

    Are you going to post the idiappam recipe as well? I notice you made that with red rice.

    This was a fantastic start of my Sunday, Indu. Have a great one too. πŸ™‚

    • thanks so much Aruna! I am sorry to tempt you during Shraavan! πŸ™ Yes I will post the idiappam recipe soon. Yes I use brown rice flour /idiappam podi since it comes out great every time and is not sticky. Have a great day! πŸ™‚

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