Sunshine Award: Feels good to be appreciated


Yesterday was pleasant for a couple different reasons – the first was that I finally got some appreciation/good news at work after having had a pretty stressful and rough week.  And then in the evening was pleasantly surprised to be nominated by Apsara from ‘Eating Well Diary’ for the Sunshine award!

Thank you Apsara so much. It certainly feels good to be appreciated.  Apsara’s Eating Well Diary , by the way folks, is an excellent source for healthful, vegetarian recipes that Apsara blogs about so unpretentiously.

Here are my answers to the questions Apsara has given me:

1. Why did you start blogging?
One of the reasons I decided to blog was to document my mom’s traditional kerala recipes. My mom is no more but I wanted to keep her alive through her recipes and also wanted to hand down these recipes to my children.  Living in the US for the past 15 years I have also been cooking a lot of international foods and my family back home wanted me to share those recipes with them. So hence I decided to blog so that I could share all the recipes.

2. Sweet or Savoury?
I love to make (and eat!) desserts.  There is something just very therapeutic about creating beautiful desserts!

3.If you were to go on any reality TV programme, what would it be and why?
‘Dancing with the stars’ of course ( when I become a star that is  🙂 )

4. What was the last thing you Googled? 
‘Machine learning’ -( ha ha !) that is a field that I am just beginning to learn more about at my work (day job!).

5. Night In or Night Out?
Depends – I like both. Its fun to party out once in a while. Having two young kids its usually Night In though with all four of us snuggling under the blanket watching a family movie.!

6. What has been your favourite blog post to write?
Mango Pie

My Mango pie recipe since it brought back such lovely memories of lovely times with my lovely friends.

7. What’s the one thing you never leave home without?
My sunglasses!

8. Where would you most like to travel to?
Spain – It just beckons me – I imagine the food to be delicious and the place to be ‘oh so beautiful’! (from what I have seen in pictures!)

9. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
To find a cure for cancer and eliminate sickness/disease in humans

10. What can we expect to find from your blog in the future?
You can continue to expect the same kind of ‘mixed bag’ as you have seen thus far – a mix of authentic Kerala recipes, other indian recipes and international recipes (as I learn to make them). You can expect more of a focus on healthful recipes since I have been making an effort to cook healthful meals whenever possible.

Here are my list of  10 questions and my list of 10 blogs which I nominate for this award .

1. What are your reasons for blogging?

2. What is your most favorite cuisine?

3. What is your favorite TV show?

4. What has been one most amazing moment in your life thus far?

5.What is your favorite outdoor activity?   

6. Where would you most like to travel to?

7. If you had magical powers and could solve one global problem, what would it be?

8. Most embarrassing moment in your life?

9.As  a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

10.What is your ‘All time’ favorite movie?

Here are my nominations for the Sunshine award – Congratulations! (listed in no particular order – I love all of them equally for their uniqueness!) 

Cooking with Aunt Juju

Patty Nguyen 

LaPetite Paniere 

Saucy Gander

ngan made it

LaPetite Casserole

Foodie on Board

Tasty Eats

Cottage Grove House

Welcome to Abby’s Kitchen

THE RULES to accept this award are:

1. Include the Sunshine Award icon in your post and/or on your blog
2. Link to the blogger who nominated you
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself
4. Nominate 10 other bloggers to receive the award
5. Link to your nominees and let them know you nominated them
6. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer

Thanks once again Apsara and congrats to all the nominees! Happy Blogging! 🙂

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  1. Congratulations, Indu! I loved reading your responses to the 10 questions and learning a little bit more about you 😀 Have to check out your mango pie soon. I love mangoes! Thanks for nominating Abby’s Kitchen for the Sunshine Award. I am honored having it come from you!

  2. Thanks so much Indu for nominating me for this award – just the name alone makes me smile 🙂 After 8 inches of snow and the sun is shining this morning (very cold though) I could not receive a better award at this time! Congratulations to you for providing a fun and learning blog! I have never done this before (I was nominated once awhile back but declined because I did not know what to do exactly). Maybe I can figure it out. As always your recipe sounds great!

    • It’s up to you Judi. All you need to do is follow the 5 steps – the RULES and do a post. But if you would rather not, then that’s fine too! I am glad that at least you are happy to have received some ‘Sunshine’ after all that snow! 🙂 🙂

      • I just read through your post and everything sounds great – nice to learn more about you. It’s not that I do not want to accept, I am not quite sure how to go about it. I am not very good with the computer, linking and so on, but I am learning and I will try to sit down and see what I can do. I miss my “computer geek” husband – I have been a widow 5 years now and he was such an expert!

        • Hi Judi, Please don’t feel overwhelmed. Try and see if you can do it – you can also email me if you have specific questions and I can try to help. I am sorry to hear about your husband. It must be hard for you. And if you really don’t want to participate, then that’s fine too. Take care!. 🙂

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