I have RA

Hi Folks
Sharing this post that I wrote on a new blog I have started. As you will gather from this post, I have not been well for the last few weeks and have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

I thought sharing my experiences with treatment and in general about dealing with different aspects of this disease could benefit others with the disease too. Staying optimistic and hoping to continue with my passion for cooking and baking and to keep posting recipes on this primary blog!

Click on the link below to read my post:

I have RA



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    • Hi Fae so nice to hear from you ! Its been a while right? yes I am still struggling to deal with this disease. I am trying to be positive but it is not easy. I am grateful for my family’s support. Sorry to hear about your condition too. yes chronic pain is a struggle. We should be grateful that we have such wonderful husbands I guess! Hugs to you too!

  1. So sorry to hear this Indu. I have a friend who struggles with it too. Kitchen work has become challenging. We’ll have to get you a sous chef to prep for you! Good luck.

    Sent from my iPad


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