More Awards and a note of thanks to all!

I have to say I am really enjoying the blogging world…the WordPress community is indeed so encouraging and supportive!. I feel like I have acquired so many new friends in the last 6 months ever since I started blogging publicly.  I continue to feel inspired by all the lovely recipe posts of my various blogger friends and that makes me feel wonderful about my decision to start blogging.  One of the reasons I wanted to blog was to feel motivated to try new recipes and new cuisines and I have certainly been learning a lot! So I want to say a big thank you to the entire WordPress community! 🙂

After that I want to especially thank a few folks who have passed on certain awards to me recently. But since I have been so busy both at work and otherwise I did not get a chance to generate a post to acknowledge these awards until now.  OK so here are the awards that were bestowed to me by these kind individuals:

The Verstaile blogger  and Dragon’s Loyalty

These two awards were awarded to me by Detox Mamma – Yes just as the name signifies,  Detox Mama is all about ‘pure food’ and about taking care of your body. Perky Jhuls from ‘The Not so creative cook’ and Chitra from Chitra’s Healthy Kitchen also passed me the ‘Versatile blogger’ award so I am just generating a combined post for the same. Thank you detox Mamma, Chitra and Jhuls!


Both these awards require that I share 7 little known facts about myself, pass the awards on to 15 other fellow bloggers, and thank and tag the person who awarded me.

So here are 7 little known facts about myself. I vowed to spend not more than a total of 15 minutes thinking of these and hence I am terribly sorry if you find these boring! 🙂

1. I love Mexican food and can eat it anytime! One time when I was pregnant with my daughter we went to a Mexican place and I ordered a huge fajitas and chicken dish that I not only finished completely but I also ate half of my husband’s! And yes I was still hungry an hour after that! 🙂

2. I am paranoid about snakes! I cannot even watch them on TV!

3. As much as I love to cook, I hate doing the dishes…yes I MEAN IT …I really really hate it! 🙂 Oh how many times I wished I could hire someone to just come and do my dishes everyday!

4. I am a night owl and can be up till very late at night but absolutely hate waking up early in the mornings which is why I love to sleep in on weekends! 🙂

5. When I was in elementary school, I wanted to become a doctor when I grew up but that changed as I came into high school as I did not have the courage to even dissect a frog let alone a human body! 🙂

6.I met my husband only twice before we got engaged! But it was surely the best decision I ever made in my life! 🙂

7.I am a very frank and honest person and I hate it when people are not forthright.

So here are 15 other bloggers whom I like greatly and would like to pass these two awards to:

Ngan made it

Patty Nguyen

Spice in the City

Foodie on Board

My Kitchen Moments


Abby’s kitchen 

Tasty Eats

I need a feed

Eating Well Diary

Arl’s World

Ocean View Kitchen


Creating Beauty in the kitchen

Deelightfully Veg

Quintet of Radiance Award


One needs to follow these steps to participate in this award :

  1. Display the logo in a post
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back.
  3. Using the alphabet, describe yourself in a word or a phrase.
  4. Nominate at least few bloggers.

Aishwarya from My Kitchen Moments was kind enough to nominate me for this award bundle! Phew that’s a lot of awards rolled into one! thanks so much Aishwarya. Aishwarya blogs about Kerala and south indian vegetarian dishes and she really has some terrific authentic recipes there! Please do go and check her blog out!

OK So now I need to describe myself using the alphabet. So here I go:

A – Appreciates honesty

B – Blogger! 🙂

C – Cooks with love

D – Dreamer

E – Energetic

F – Fun loving

G – Genuine

H – Hard working

I – Indulgent

J – Jovial

K – Kind

L – Loving

M – Married happily!

N – ‘No-nonsense’

O – Optimist

P – Positive

Q – Quick-tempered

R – Romantic

S – Sensitive

T – Trustworthy

U – Uncanny

V – Vulnerable

W – Warm

X – X-pressive!

Y – Young forever!

Z – Zealous

My handful of Nominations for the Quintet of Radiance:

Detox Mamma

‘The Not so creative cook’

Eating Well Diary

Chitra’s Healthy Kitchen



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  1. Thank you so much, Indu! I am so humbled that you think highly of me and my blog. I adore your blog, love your recipes, photos and writing and so it all means that much more coming from you. I accept and will get to writing these up. Thank you, thank you! Xoxo And I love learning more and more
    about you! You are right! What a great blogging community we have here. 🙂

  2. Congratulations Indu! You deserve all of these awards!! It’s so nice to read your responses to get to know you a bit better. And thank-you so much for the nominations. I truly appreciate it! 🙂

  3. Hi Indu, I enjoyed reading your post and learning more about you. We have some things in common besides liking to cook, those being hatred of snakes (I have nightmares about them), loving Mexican food, and liking to sleep in on the weekends. Congratulations on your awards!

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