Dragon's Loyalty and more Sunshine Awards


So pleased to share that Jess from Therapy Breads has nominated me for the ‘Dragon’s Loyalty Award’ and also wanted to share that I received more Sunshine awards from these kind bloggers : Chef Julianna from Foodie on Board, Kloe from Kloe’s Kitchen, Nancy from Feasting with Friends and Lauzan from The veggie side of me. I truly appreciate it. thanks so much all of you. I am overwhelmed!

Jess is such an amazing and versatile blogger who cooks not just breads (which she does too!) but all kinds of delicious foods – a couple of my recent favorites were Thai red curry  with chicken and Banana cream cheese bread. Do check out her blog to see more of her fantastic creations.

I am happy and pleased to present this award to 15 other bloggers whom I like and greatly admire and who are so ‘loyal’ to me – they are always there to comment on all my posts :).  Much love to you guys!  Please do check out their blogs – each one of them is fabulous in their own way!

Now I also need to share 7 interesting things about myself.  So here they are … I do hope you find these interesting! 🙂

  1. I was inside a 10 floor building in Mumbai (my workplace was on the 4th floor ) when the entire building started collapsing from the top like a stack of cards!  Most of the people in the building were able to escape unscathed like me except for the unfortunate folks who were trapped in the basement of the building. It was quite an earth shattering experience – the noise was deafening and for many years after that I would get very nervous whenever I heard loud sounds.
  2. I first started cooking when I was in high school and one of my very first successful dishes was ‘sponge cake’ which my family loved and which they still ask me to bake for them whenever I visit India.:)
  3. I am a scaredy cat and not at all cut out for any kind of adventure sports. Once when my best friends and I went on a cruise together, my friends forced me to go parasailing with them but alas, I couldn’t bring myself to do it and just stayed back in the boat 🙁
  4.  I have 3 Masters degrees – one in Pharmacy, one in Business management and one in Pharmacoeconomics – The favorite joke in our family is that ‘If Indu is not preparing for some test or the other then there is something wrong with her’ 🙂
  5. I always wanted to learn Indian classical dance and never got an opportunity while growing up in India. Anyways now after having two kids and after turning 40, I am taking ‘Kathak’ lessons along with my daughter and mom and daughter will dance together soon at the recital 🙂
  6. Till I was about 10 years old or so I used to be very scared of cemeteries and once when we were in kerala we happened to pass a cemetery at night while visiting some family. We had to walk for a few blocks before we could board a bus and since I was so scared I was walking with my eyes closed and I fell straight into a ditch! To this day, my cousins back home tease me with that story 🙂
  7. Once while I was driving on the highway, a huge mattress that some stupid driver ahead of me was carrying on top of their car, fell off and landed right in front of my car and I just ran over it – when I got off the exit to check , two of my tires were fully draped with the mattress material!!!

Now the rules for accepting this award are as follows:

1.  Display the award on your blog.

2.  Announce your win with a post and thank the blogger who nominated you.

3.  Present 15 deserving bloggers with the award (in no particular order):

4  Link your winners in the post and let them know of their being awarded.

5.  Tell seven interesting things about yourself.

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    • thanks Jaya. And it was not an earthquake – it was just that building collapsing due to structural damage – This was Poonam Chambers that used to be in Worli …you might remember this being in the news! I had just started to work at that time at USV Ltd, a pharma co. Anyways it was a pretty harrowing experience!

  1. Congratulations for all the awards Indu!!! keep it up. we all will be there to taste them all with u.

  2. Thank you so much for my lovely nomination xx and congratulations on your well deserved awards. Great to read more about you, 3 masters!!! A collapsing building!! Gosh! And the dancing sounds wonderful ?

  3. Congratulations on all of these lovely awards, Indu! And thank-you for the nomination as well! That is very sweet of you. I must say that I really enjoyed reading your interesting facts. Wow, 3 Masters degrees is really an accomplishment! I will get to work on a post, but it may take me a bit of time…I am racking my brains trying to think of 7 interesting things about myself 🙂

  4. Congratulations Indu 🙂 Oh, la, la I’m impressed by your background!
    Thank you so much again for the nomination! It might take me more than 1 week (You know I’m a little snail). Have a lovely day 🙂

  5. Those are truly interesting facts about yourself, Indu. And thank you for the nomination. I will have to think of facts in my life now (sigh!) I wish my life were more interesting 🙂

  6. Thank you so much, Indu! and congratulations to you too! 🙂 We’ll be out for a few days starting this weekend but when we are back we are going to write up a post.

  7. Congratulations on the awards Indu! I enjoyed learning more about you… so happy you survived a building collapse… that must have been terrifying! And 3 Masters? I just knew you were a smarty pants 😉

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