Walnut Coffee Cake


Walnut Coffee Cake
Walnut Coffee Cake

I first learned how to bake a cake when I was in 10th grade as part of a Home Econ course.  I was so taken in by the process of baking that I started baking this sponge cake at home over and over . The rave reviews that family and friends gave me only furthered my interest in cooking and thus began my foray into the cooking world.  I really love to bake – there is something really fascinating about throwing things into the oven and waiting for them to come out fully transformed.! 🙂

Over the years I have modified that basic sponge cake recipe to come up with this one, and also adding walnuts for my husband (who is nuts over nuts) !  Whenever we travel to meet friends or family, folks just expect me to bring this with me.  This cake is really a very moist and nutty cake to be had over a cup of tea or coffee and of course, in the company of good friends:)

You will need a baking pan – a round 8 inch or a bread loaf pan will be good for this recipe.  I usually do a double batch in which case I use a 9 * 6 rectangular pan.

3/4 cup and 1 tbsp cup All Purpose flour (Maida)
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1 and 1/4 stick (10 tbsp or 125 g) unsalted butter,
softened at room temperature
3 eggs
3/4 cup sugar (granulated or powdered)*
1/4 cup sour cream (or thickened plain yoghurt)
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts


Pre-heat oven to 350 Deg F.  Grease your baking pan with butter on the base and sides and also dust with a sprinkling of flour.

Sieve the flour, salt and baking powder and keep it aside.

Take a large mixing bowl and add the butter and the sugar.  Next add the eggs one at a time and blend using a hand mixer.  Then next add half of the flour mixture slowly while continuing to whisk with the blender. Next add half of the sour cream and again blend. Then add the rest of the flour mixture and the sour cream and whisk till the batter is thick but smooth. Now add the vanilla essence.   Turn the hand mixer off and add the chopped walnuts and mix by hand (so that the walnut pieces are not crushed).


Bake in the oven at 350F for about 25 – 30 minutes**.  Keep checking every 5 minutes after 20 minutes by doing the knife test(Insert a knife into the center of the cake and if it comes out clean then the cake is done).  Take out of the oven and let cool for about 10 minutes. Scrape the edges of the pan slightly and then invert the cake onto a plate.   Enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee!

Walnut Coffee Cake

*: In US granulated sugar is the regular sugar which is a coarse powder. So if your sugar is crystalline, you need to powder it.

**: Baking times can vary depending upon the oven so you should check frequently after 20 minutes.

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