My Food Philosophy

Welcome to Indu’s International kitchen! My food philosophy that I follow for my family comprises of the 3 Cs :

Cook fresh – A fresh home cooked meal, even if its a simple meal, is always better than eating a store- bought frozen meal laden with chemicals and preservatives.

Choose natural over processed – Processed foods are not healthy for your body as they contain harmful chemicals and free radicals that can damage your body. Hence always choose natural foods over artificial, processed foods. Fresh fruit with honey or maple syrup can be a great dessert!

Exercise Control – Always consume in moderation  – Deprivation is not the answer but moderation definitely is.!  If you must have a dessert after a big meal, try to have a very small portion that will satisfy your craving but at the same time not add a ton of calories.

I believe that following the above three rules can help you stay healthy and happy! 🙂

For myself, I have been following a strict Paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP) for the past one year in order to control my rheumatoid arthritis flare ups.  The Paleo AIP diet’s principle in very simple terms is to nourish the body with nutrient dense foods like fresh vegetables and fruits, healthy proteins like fish and grass fed meat and avoid inflammatory foods like dairy, processed foods, including refined sugars, refined flours and also nuts and eggs.

On this site you will find recipes that I regularly cook in my kitchen and these include:

  • Traditional Kerala dishes – Kerala, is a beautiful coastal state in southern India. Kerala cuisine has delicious offerings ranging from simple vegetarian fare  and flavorful seafood dishes to hot, spicy  meat entrée’s. Coconut is used in most of kerala recipes and it is the key to imparting the distinctive, sweet and tropical flavor to all the dishes. Coconut oil is  also the cooking oil that has been used traditionally in Kerala cuisine.
  • Other Indian vegetarian, Chicken and seafood dishes, rice dishes, breads etc
  • Other International dishes in all food categories from soups to desserts.
  • Quick and healthful meals

By the way, I have just started blogging… so keep coming back often to check for new posts! You can click ‘follow’ blog to get updates on new posts by FB, email or your twitter account.

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  1. Well written(especially 3 Cs) and presented, The style of presentation, color combination and collection of items in each menu is really good. keep it up ! I liked the dishes and its presentation.

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